Tuesday 4 June 2013

AIA equips today's generation with the tools for success

Article from www.mystarjob.com

Saturday June 1, 2013

AIA equips today's generation with the tools for success

Gen-Y can make it big in the insurance industry


Thomas Wong, AIA chief marketing officer.

The insurance industry is rich with job opportunities especially for Gen-Y jobseekers. For individuals who seek significance in what they do, want work-life balance and quick returns from the efforts they invest, insurance could be a great place to build a career.

“Gen-Y wants flexible working hours. They want to reap the fruits of their labour and have time to enjoy their rewards. This is very much in line with the benefits that come with the job as an AIA life planner,” says Thomas Wong, chief marketing officer of American International Assurance Bhd (AIA).

Addressing public perception, Wong acknowledges current stereotypes attached to the insurance industry. For many, being an insurance agent, or a life planner as it is known in AIA, is seen as a part-time venture to sustain them until they land themselves a more “stable” job.

“There is a lack of support from family and friends as they do not see this job as a secure one,” says Wong. “However, in reality, this is not at all the case. A career as a life planner in AIA is fulfilling and meaningful. You can generate substantial income if you are willing to put in the effort,” adds Wong.

To increase awareness of how rewarding a career in this industry can be, AIA has recently launched a life planner recruitment campaign targeting younger talent. “An increasing number of people are joining the industry every year, as more and more people realise that insurance really is a viable and great sector to build a career,” he shares.

In addition, Wong asserts that AIA is ready and willing to provide assistance to its life planners to achieve their goals, in terms of training and development, as well as practical tools to enable them to reach greater heights.

Tools for success

On top of flexible hours and great financial rewards, AIA has made special efforts to enable its life planners to perform their work tasks quicker and more efficiently.

Recognising that its life planners are pivotal in providing the best service possible to its 2.6 million customers, the company is embracing all the advantages that technology has to offer by keeping on the cutting edge of technology advancements.

In January, AIA introduced an innovative application called the iPoS, an iPad based sales tool that enables life planners to work anywhere, anytime, in a paperless environment.

With the iPoS, a customer’s data and signature are captured electronically for instant policy submission. It houses details of the customer’s current financial position and their health checks. Based on this information, it creates and submits applications for appropriate financial protection. Everything can be done within 30 minutes. It’s quick and effective.

Since its introduction, more than 3,000 life planners at AIA have received training on the application and are actively using the tool. The iPoS is an application unique to AIA. With its exclusive arrangement with technology giant Apple, AIA and its team of life planners can enjoy all the upcoming features and enhancements that Apple has to offer.

The tool is part of AIA’s continuous efforts to strengthen its multi-distribution capability, says Wong. “Customers today want to have the flexibility to choose how, when and where they can connect with AIA. Life planners equipped with an iPad are able to connect, especially with younger customers, on a platform they are familiar with.”
The iPoS application on the iPad enables AIA’s life planners to work much more efficiently.

For life planners, the iPoS also spells more time on the field to engage with their customers.The iPoS will eventually have an e-payment function and potentially, e-policy, which will enable quick and easy delivery of policy contracts to AIA customers.

Talent development

Besides providing technology tools, AIA has also invested significantly into training and development programmes to further strengthen the capabilities of its life planners.

The AIA Premier Academy is a training centre established to groom its people into a premier team of well-equipped and knowledgeable insurance professionals. Training modules by the academy cover financial analysis and planning, sales effectiveness and product education, as well as other leadership and personal development modules.

“We understand the needs and wants of the current generation, and believe we can offer what they are looking for,” shares Wong. “Gen-Y does not like being desk-bound. They like learning and like to be exposed to content that challenges the way they think and widens their horizons. We believe we can offer that.”

Fulfillment and satisfaction

But utimately, Wong shares that “The best rewards of being a life planner are in helping customers secure their future”. This, according to Wong, is the core of what it means to be a life planner. “It’s not merely about pushing products but rather educating customers on the importance of insurance, its benefits and the different policies out there.”

“Life planners strive to understand and meet the needs of their customers at any stage in life. This entails great people skills, good communication, perceptive listening, and an ability to craft plans that not only fit in with the customer’s budget, but that the customer clearly understands and is satisfied with. It is imperative that the customers are comfortable and fully trust their life planner’s suggestions before they purchase the plan.”

A life planner has far reaching influence in the lives of many people, says Wong. They provide customers with access to funds, which can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. The funds may enable the customer to undergo treatment, which they would not otherwise be able to afford. There is a fulfillment there that goes beyond just the great financial benefits the role brings, he asserts.

“If individuals invest effort and commitment, especially in the early years, the rewards are great. Part-time is not a solution if you want to be a successful life planner. Here at AIA, we offer full-time opportunities and will equip you with all the knowledge and support you need for success.”

If you are interested in a career as an AIA life planner and want to find out more about what AIA can do for you, visit www.aia-LifePlanner.com.my and leave your contact details.